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WordPress web developer for EU Whistleblowing Monitor (Contract, Self-Employed)

28 June 2024

Location: Remote (must be based in and have the right to work in EU)

Project Duration: Seven months: Start August 2024, launch December 2024 with 4-8 weeks post-launch support


We, Transparency International Ireland, are seeking a skilled WordPress developer to design and build a new website for the EU Whistleblowing Monitor. The website will transfer existing information from the current site, and ensure a user-friendly, secure, and responsive design.


Transparency International Ireland is the Irish chapter of the worldwide movement against corruption, specializing in research, advocacy, and delivery of services aimed at supporting whistleblowers.

As part of the Safe4Whistleblowers project, TI Ireland is working with the  Whistleblowing International Network (WIN) to further develop the EU Whistleblowing Monitor to continue to track the progress of implementation of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing.

WIN's mission is to strengthen the capacity of civil society to protect public interest whistleblowers worldwide, to support the work of civil society in turning legal rights into active protection for whistleblowers, and to assist in ensuring that whistleblowing disclosures achieve lasting change in the public interest.

The EU Whistleblowing Monitor was created in 2020 to track the progress of transposition of the Directive across all 27 Member States.


  • Recreate and redesign an existing website (EU Whistleblowing Monitor) with an existing structure by selecting and using a set of off-the-shelf components with no license cost.
  • Replicate the current Monitor website structure (news feed, blog, resource hub) with new design for population of new national pages to further track implementation more closely in those countries. Seven national pages will be piloted under this project, with partners in the additional 19 Member States being offered to replicate their own – now or in the future.
  • Ensure usability for non-technical staff to use and update the website and replicate the country pages again with a documented step-by-step procedure, guidance, and, if necessary, translate fields.

Expected deliverables and timeline

  • Recreate and redesign the EU Whistleblowing Monitor website and develop seven new pilot national pages by 17 December 2024.
  • Implement all data migration from the existing EU Whistleblowing Monitor website to the new website and national pages prior to launch.
  • Create a detailed manual that will allow replication of new national pages (create a new similar site) with a documented step-by-step procedure which will facilitate website updates and input of translated texts by non-technical staff by 15 November 2024.

Tasks overview

  • Design and Development:
    • Create a visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly website, which is:
      • Based on WordPress, using custom themes.
      • Preferably uses a default templating engine of WordPress (Gutenberg) or a free widely used and well-maintained alternative.
      • Uses minimum plugins, and only those which are well-maintained and widely used to ensure implementation is efficient and secure.
      • Builds on and improves upon the capabilities, configuration options, architecture and technical components of the current EU Whistleblowing Monitor.
      • Integrates multimedia elements.
      • Allows for integration with social media platforms.
      • Implements Search Engine Optimization best practices.
      • Adheres to GDPR requirements.
  • Data Migration:
    • Transfer all current information from the existing website to the new WordPress site.
    • Ensure data integrity and accuracy during migration.
  • Content Management System:
    • Implementation of a robust CMS using WordPress
    • Set up user roles, with different access permissions.
    • Implement functionality for multiple users to update their respective country pages.
  • Security Features:
    • Implementation of SSL/TLS encryption.
    • Secure user authentication.
    • Implementation of security plugins to monitor and protect the site.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance:
    • Conduct thorough testing to ensure functionality across all major browsers and devices and performance optimisation.
    • Undertake security testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
    • Fix bugs and issues promptly.
  • Launch Preparation:
    • Ensure the website is fully functional and ready for launch by 17 December 2024.
    • Provide documentation and training to relevant staff on managing the website.
  • Ongoing Support:
    • Design a deployment procedure, as a step-by-step manual with guidance, as well as feasibility of using automation scripts/ orchestrators, or post install scripts (for installing required plug ins, custom roles or other potential customisations).
    • Document both the technical architecture and configuration options and administration workflows. Deliver a guide with the necessary instructions for installing and managing the content of a country Monitor.
    • Offer post-launch support for an agreed period (estimated 4 – 8 weeks) to address any issues.

Transparency International Ireland and the Whistleblowing International Network retain the sole rights with respect to all distribution, dissemination and publication of all deliverables.


  • Proven experience in WordPress website development.
  • Strong portfolio showcasing previous WordPress projects.
  • Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
  • Experience with SEO best practices.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to work independently and meet deadlines.
  • Knowledge of GDPR and data protection regulations (preferred).
  • Good communication skills in English.

Proposal Requirements

  • Detailed project plan including timelines and milestones.
  • Cost estimate including any ongoing maintenance fees.
  • Examples of previous work, particularly any similar projects.
  • References from past clients.

A detailed breakdown of milestones and payment schedules will be discussed during the interview process.

How to Apply: Send your proposal, including your portfolio and references, to The deadline for applications is 27 July 2024.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Relevant experience and portfolio quality.
  • Understanding of project requirements.
  • Proposed timeline and cost.
  • Client references and testimonials.

Overall Proposed Project Timeline

  1. Initial Consultation and Planning: 2 weeks (early August 2024)
  2. Design and Development: 6-8 weeks (mid-August to early October 2024)
  3. Data Migration and Integration: 2 weeks (early to mid-October 2024)
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance: 2 weeks (late October 2024)
  5. User Guidance Development: Draft version by mid-October, final by 15 November 2024
  6. Launch Preparation and Deployment: 1 week (late November to 17 December 2024)
  7. Post-Launch Support: 4-8 weeks (mid-December to mid-February 2025)

Proposed Budget Breakdown with Timelines and Key Quality Assurance Suggestions

Timeline and Payment Structure

Phase 1: Initial Consultation and Planning (10%)

  • Deliverables:
    • Detailed project plan
    • Requirements gathering
    • Initial design concepts
  • Timeline: 2 weeks (early August 2024)
  • Payment: 10% upon completion and approval of the project plan and initial design concepts
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Regular meetings to ensure understanding of requirements
    • Detailed documentation and clear communication of goals

Phase 2: Design and Development (50%)

  • Deliverables:
    • Website design
    • Development of the WordPress site
    • Custom theme and plugin development
    • Implementation of user management features
  1. Timeline: 6-8 weeks (mid-August to early October 2024)
  • Payment: 50% upon final approval of the developed site before moving to migration
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Regular design reviews and feedback sessions
    • Adherence to coding standards and best practices
    • Iterative development with regular progress updates

Phase 3: Launch Preparation and Deployment (30%)

  • Timeline: 8 weeks (early October to mid-December 2024 – Launch 17 December 2024.)
  • Payment: 30% upon successful deployment to the live server

3A: Data Migration and Integration

  • Deliverables:
    • Transfer of all existing information to the new site
    • Data integrity checks
    • Integration of required functionalities
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Thorough data validation to ensure accuracy
    • Use of automated tools for data migration where possible
    • Manual checks for critical data points

Phase 3B: Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Deliverables:
    • Cross-browser and device testing
    • Bug fixing
    • Performance optimization
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Comprehensive test plan covering all functionality
    • Use of automated testing tools for regression testing
    • User acceptance testing (UAT) with stakeholders

3C: Deployment

  • Deliverables:
    • Final checks and approvals
    • Deployment to live server
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Pre-launch checklist to ensure all aspects are covered
    • Backup of all data before deployment
    • Monitoring tools set up to track performance post-launch

3D: User Guidance Development

  • Deliverables:
    • Develop comprehensive guidance and user management guide
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Detailed and clear documentation
  • Timeline: Draft version produced by mid-October, final by 15 November 2024

Phase 4: Post-Launch Support (10%)

  • Deliverables:
  • Support and maintenance for an agreed defined period
  • Timeline: 4-8 weeks post-launch (mid-December to mid-February 2025)
  • Payment: 10% upon completion of the agreed post-launch support period
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Regular check-ins during the support period to address any issues
    • Feedback loop to gather insights and improve

Key Project Quality Assurance Requirements

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule regular meetings to ensure the project stays on track.
  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation at each phase, including design specs, code comments, and user guides.
  • Testing: Implement a comprehensive testing strategy, including unit tests, integration tests, and UAT.
  • Feedback: Collect feedback from stakeholders throughout the project, especially during the design and UAT phases.
  • Backups: Regularly back up all work to prevent data loss.
  • Security: Ensure that security best practices are followed, including securing user logins and protecting sensitive data.