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The following downloads outline TI Ireland's policies and procedures on governance. Details on the Transparency Legal Advice Centre’s governance is available here


Accounts and Reports

Our accounts are audited for presentation at our Annual General Meeting in September/October of each year. The accounts are independently audited by Donal Ryan & Associates.

Our Strategy


Board Committees

Constitution and Codes

Additional Information

Transparency International Ireland is a company limited by guarantee without share capital (Company No. 390950). 

All board members, staff and volunteers of TI Ireland are committed to uphold high standards of integrity and accountability, to act according to the core values and guiding principles of TI and to promote these standards and principles.

TI Ireland`s accounts are examined annually by an independent auditor: currently UHY Farrelly Dawe White.

The organisation was established with core funding from individual donations and the Joseph Rowntree Charitible Trust. The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) provides funding to the Speak Up helpline and the Transparency Legal Advice Centre, as well as the Integrity at Work programme. The Department of Justice and the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science provide financial support to the Speak Up helpline and subsidising the participation of organisations in the Integrity at Work programme. Additional funding comes from the general public and the Transparency International Secretariat.