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WIN calls on PWC to withdraw its criminal complaint against Luxleaks whistleblower

26 April 2016

Members of the Whistleblowing International Network (WIN), a global coalition of whistleblowing-support NGOs, call on PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Luxembourg to withdraw its complaint against Antoine Deltour, the whistleblower at the heart of the Luxleaks scandal.

In a joint letter signed by the Chief Executives of Public Concern at Work, the Government Accountability Project and Transparency International Ireland (among others), the NGOs urged PwC to withdraw its criminal complaint and any civil legal action against Mr Deltour and to work to ensure that public interest whistleblowing is not criminalised. According to the signatories:

"[Antoine] Mr Deltour acted in the tradition of public interest whistleblowers. His disclosure is consistent with international principles and standards that inform a growing body of national whistleblowing statutes. There is no evidence to suggest that he acted untruthfully. His disclosures were manifestly in the public interest. He did not seek to profit from his disclosures. Nor did he have reason to believe that, had he used internal channels to make his disclosures, his concerns would occasion remedial action. His prosecution because of your company’s criminal complaint suggests his assessment was accurate."

Download the full letter here